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Master Liu Deming honoured as Vice President of the IKFF

Master Liu Deming has been inducted as an honourary Vice President of the International Kung fu Federation.

Friendly envoy of the UN, vice-chairman of Chinese wushu association, chairman of international kung fu federation Mr.Fu Biao met with Master Liu in melbourne on August 26th. A susequent meeting of the pair in Beijing recently further strengthenned their friendship with Master Fu Biao inducting Master Liu as an Honorary Vice President of the IKFF.

Read the full article on the IKFF web site


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Fairfield    |   St Andrews Uniting Church, 85 Gillies Street Fairfield

Torquay    |    5 Elements Kung Fu Academy, 1 Merrijig Drive, Level 1 Grant Pavilion, Torquay

South Yarra    |    LiuHe-ZiRanMen Kungfu Academy, 30 Fitzgerald Street, South Yarra 

Kew    |   Habitat Uniting Church, 23 Highbury Grove Kew

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