Ziran Qigong
Qigong (Chi Kung) is the Chinese discipline devoted to the development of understanding, awareness and harmonizing of one’s mind, body, qi (chi) and spirit. It plays a strong part in Chan Buddhism (Zen) and Daoist philosophy, as well as Traditional Chinese Medicine and Chinese Martial Arts.
Qigong has been used extensively in China as part of traditional Chinese medicine, and is included in the curriculum of Chinese Universities. Throughout the world qigong is now recognized as a form of
complimentary and alternative medicine, with positive effects on
diverse ailments.
Qigong practice involves rhythmic breathing, coordinated with slow stylized repetitions of fluid movements and a calm mindful state. From
a philosophical perspective Qigong is believed to help develop human potential, allowing accessto higher realms of awareness, awakening one’s true nature.
What is Ziran Qigong?
Ziran Qigong is a progressive set of exercises that retains all the original conceptsand benefits associated with traditional Qigong, while following a style of practicethat uses terms and expressions that modern people can associate with andunderstand. “The main aim of Ziran Qigong is to obtain an understanding ofone’s mind and body and the link between the two.”
Our practice of Qigong has been passed down via the Zi Ran Qigong lineageand has been refined throughout many generations. Master Liu De Ming is the inheritor of the Ziran Qigong system, as well as being an active researcher into Qigong.
Zi Ran Men
Zi Ran Men is based on ancient Taoist philosophy, Traditional Chinese Medical Theory and, most importantly, the philosophy of 'One and Zero'. It combines physical training, Qigong (also, Chi Kung), meditation and combat techniques. Through training, Zi Ran Men enhances the spirit of the mind, regulates the circulation of Qi (also, Chi) and develops physical sensitivity. When the body is in harmony, you will live a long and healthy life.
'There is no beginning or end of movement, There is no beginning or end of stillness, There is no beginning or end of change.Actual attack is hidden within fake attack, Movements are within stillness.'
When you can successfully apply these theories, you will have freedom of movement. Your attacks and defence will be fluid and agile.
Zi Ran Men training can be divided into three components : Physical Training, Combat Techniques and Conditioning. These three components combine for one purpose, which is to enhance the health of body and mind.
Shaolin Liu He Men
Liu He Men (Six Harmony Gong Fu) is a branch of Yue style Shaolin Gong Fu (also, Kung fu). It combines soft and hard, internal and external techniques. Liu He is based in the theory of six combinations : internally, cultivate essence, energy and spirit. Externally, cultivate hands, eyes and body. The purpose of this training is to develop an ideal state of health, protect the body's energy and master self defence and retaliation. This leads to a superior level of martial arts skill, total freedom of defence, a healthy body and a long life.
'Eyes go with the mind, Mind goes with the Qi, Qi goes with the Body, Body goes with the Hands, Hands go with the Feet, Feet go with the Hips.'
Liu He movement is firm, forceful, steady and accurate. The heads moves like an inquisitive ghost, the chest sinks in defence and extends in attack. The body floats, sinks and soars, jumps like a cat, dodges like
a dog, rolls like a rabbit and turns like an eagle.
'When one part moves, Every part moves,When one part is still, Every part is still, Move when the enemy moves, Move like an avalanche.'
Liu He Men was the style practiced by Grandmaster Wan Lai Sheng before he took up Zi Ran Men. However Wan Lai Sheng also continuously developed his skill and style of Liu He Men as he deepened his knowledge of martial arts. Wan Lai Sheng then constructed a ciriculum of Liu He Men forms which he felt was most for developing skills as a martial artist, so in this way, Wan Lai Sheng's Liu He Men cirriculum could be seen as the forming foundation for the study of martial arts. It was Wan Lai Sheng who once stated that "All Gong Fu requires understanding of the the six harmonies (Liu He). Without understanding it, your Gong Fu will not be solid."
Cheng Shi Bagua Zhang
Also known as 'Eight Trigram Boxing', Ba Gua Zhang is an internal style of Gong Fu (also, Kung Fu) training that is based upon circle walking and continuous 'palms changes' or techniques. Ba Gua focuses on the development of internal Qi as the primary method of cultivating power and is regarded as one of the highest forms Qi Gong (also, Chi Kung) training for maintaining and improving general health and well being.
The style of Ba Gua taught at our school is Cheng Shi Ba Gua Zhang. This style is derived from the famous practitioner Cheng Ting Hua. Master Liu is currently a student of Grandmaster Liu Jing Ru, a renowned expert of Cheng Shi Ba Gua Zhang from Cheng Ting Hua's lineage.
Ba Gua fighting techniques (palm changes) are based upon circular movements and the cultivation of so-called 'hidden power'. Traditional training involves repeated palm changes embedded within circle walking. Regular practice builds stamina and a strong, flexible body.
Ba Gua philosophy is based upon the I Ching (the Book of Changes). Each sequence of palm changes and qigong exercises in Cheng Shi Ba Gua attempts to reflect the eight essential energies and directions that the I Ching describes as forming our universe.